How to convert 1/16 millibar to torrs To calculate a value in millibars to the corresponding value in torrs, just multiply the quantity in millibars by 0.75006167382113 (the conversion factor).


W, mbar l/s, Torr l/s, atm cm3/s, lusec, sccm, slm, Mol/s. Pa m3/s, 1, 10, 7.5, 9.78, 7.5*103, 592, 0.592, 4.41*10-4. mbar l/s, 0.1, 1, 0.75, 0.987, 750, 59.2, 5.92*10- 

Torr luft ± 0,15 %. DSS 065 torr scrollvakuumpump – robust, oljefri vakuumpump. DSS 065 torra Idealvakuumnivå (mbar)/(Torr), 1,5 mbar(a)/1,13. Nominell motoreffekt (kW), 1,5.

1 mbar to torr

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1 / 7. All information i detta dokument kan ändras utan att föregås av avisering  Tryckgivare, Kretskortmonterad, Torr luft, Gaser, 100 mbar, Spänning, Differentiell, The pressure ranges from ±5mbar to 5bar differential 1 and 2bar absolute. 1, millibar, = 100.00, pascal, 1, pascal, = 0.0100, millibar. 1, mm kvicksilver, = 133.32 1, pascal, = 1.00, pascal. 1, torr, = 133.32, pascal, 1, pascal, = 0.0075, torr  Kom ihåg att om du samlar 10 stämplar får du 1 bonusnatt* Casa Rural Villa Liquidambar Torrecilla en Cameros; Casa Rural Liquidambar house; Casa Rural  Milwaukee M12, Torr, Svart, Röd, 31,1 mbar, 2,25 cm, 0,961 m/s ², Batteri. Varan finns i vårt fjärrlager, leveranstiden är 7-11 dagar.

torr↔pa 1 torr = 133.322365 pa torr↔kPa 1 kPa = 7.500617 torr torr↔cPa 1 torr = 13332.236535 cPa torr↔mPa 1 torr = 133322.365347 mPa torr↔uPa 1 torr = 133322365.34674 uPa torr↔N/m2 1 torr = 133.322365 N/m2 torr↔Bar 1 Bar = 750.0617 torr torr↔mbar 1 torr = 1.333224 mbar torr↔ubar 1 torr = 1333.223653 ubar

(0 till 2,5 mbar). 30X.

1 mbar to torr

#torr #unit #meaning #pressure #conversion

1 mbar to torr

100,000 Pa = 1 bar ≈ 750.0616827 Torr. The unit name is derived from the Greek βάρος, meaning weight. How to convert Millibars to Millitorrs (mBar to mTorr)?

1 mbar to torr

How many millibars in 11 torrs: If p Torr = 11 then. p mbar = 1.33322368 × 11 = 14.66546048 mbar. Note: Torr is a non-SI unit of pressure. Millibar is a metric unit of pressure.
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1 mbar to torr

torr↔kgf/mm2 1 kgf/mm2 = 73535.460784314 torr. torr↔gf/cm2 1 torr = 1.35951 gf/cm2. 0.00 Torr: 1 mbar: 0.75 Torr: 2 mbar: 1.50 Torr: 3 mbar: 2.25 Torr: 4 mbar: 3.00 Torr: 5 mbar: 3.75 Torr: 6 mbar: 4.50 Torr: 7 mbar: 5.25 Torr: 8 mbar: 6.00 Torr: 9 mbar: 6.75 Torr: 10 mbar: 7.50 Torr: 11 mbar: 8.25 Torr: 12 mbar: 9.00 Torr: 13 mbar: 9.75 Torr: 14 mbar: 10.50 Torr: 15 mbar: 11.25 Torr: 16 mbar: 12.00 Torr: 17 mbar: 12.75 Torr: 18 mbar: 13.50 Torr: 19 mbar: 14.25 Torr a pressure conversion table. How to convert millibars to torrs [mbar to Torr]: p Torr = 0.7500616827 × p mbar. How many torrs in a millibar: If p mbar = 1 then.

cm (kgf/cm²), kilogram per sq. meter (kgf/m²), kilopascal (kPa), millibar (mbar), millimeter of mercury (mmHg), pascal (Pa), pounds per square foot (psf), pounds per square inch (psi), torr (Torr). 100 mbar (millibar) 0.1 bar 0.098692327 atm (standard atmosphere) 0.101971621 at (technical atmosphere) 75.00616827 torr 1019.716361672 mmH2O (mm of water) 75.00616827 mmHg (mm of mercury) 2.952998016 inHg (inches of mercury) 1.450378911 psi (pounds per sq. inch) 208.854563255 psf (pounds per sq.
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Use this page to learn how to convert between millibars and torrs. Type in your own numbers in the form to convert the units! ›› Quick conversion chart of mbar to torr. 1 mbar to torr = 0.75006 torr.

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Conversion base : 1 mbar = 0.75006375541921 Torr. Conversion base : 1 Torr = 1.33322 mbar. Switch units.

Examples include gas pressure  One unit of gas pressure is the millimeter of mercury (mmHg). An equivalent unit to the mmHg is called the torr, in honor of the inventor of the barometer,  Max vacuum: Without ballast: 2 x 10-3 mbar (1.5 x 10-3 Torr) With ballast: 1 x 10- 2 mbar (7.5 x 10-3 Torr); Product Type: Rotary Vane Vacuum Pumps; Max flow  Online conversion between millitorr and millibar. Convert from millitorr to millibar The SI unit is the pascal (Pa), with 1 mbar = 100 Pa = 1 hPa = 0.1 kPa. The SI unit is the pascal (Pa), with 1 millibar = 100 pascals (a hectopascal).

millibars conversion calculators, convert from millibars to other Pressure units. 1 mbar = 0.7501 torr, millibars to torrs · millibars to torrs table 

Vått: 200 mbar, Torr: 1,5. Vått: 3.0 psi; Lämpligt element: K009AA; Höjd: 175 mm, 6.9 inch; Bredd: 78 mm, 3.1 inch; Djup: 68 mm, 2.7 inch; Vikt: 1.3 kg, 2.9 lb  Det fins också kapacitiva sensorer i området från 1 torr (1.33 mBar absolut) och nedåt i 3-4 dekader men med ofta väl tilltagen prislapp  torrgående. De stabilt uppbyggda lamellpumparna är avsedda 1,9 – 8,0 m3/h • 50 Hz. 2,3 – 9,1 m³/h • 60 Hz. ×.

(1) Inte tillgänglig med låg effekt. mbar torr. mmHg g/cm2 kg/cm2. kPa, 1 000. MPa, 1 000 000.